
Biodegradable CAD-CAM scaffolds for bone regeneration

A new facile and scalable approach for utilizing basic ionic Reconstruction of atrophic ridges is a challenging job using powder form bone grafting materials as usually we gain more width and less height due to collapse of the grafted material even when protected with a hard mesh. Moreover, sinus lift surgeries end up in building bone in the wrong direction ending up with compomised restoration – implant ratios. Modern technologies and sophisticated imaging techniques allow direct recognition of the defect size and shap. In this lecture we are going to shed some light about new possibilities in tissue engineering where the dentist can design, mill, and insert the required graft as an integrated strucutre without the need to use a membrane or a protective mesh.

CAD-CAM scaffolds must initiat cell signaling once in contact with blood, provide suitable environment for the invading cell, and at the same time have a biodegradation mechanism that creats sufficient space for new bone deposition. More and more about the secrests of smart bone scaffolds will be revealed though one hour lecture enriched with illustrative images and video demostrations. Case presentations and surgery protocols will be discussed including step by step treatment managment protocols.


Moustafa Aboushelib

Abstract | PDF

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